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Yager's Flies Showcase

- Yager's Flies -

Type of Business:  Online Retailer
Product or Service:  Fly Fishing Tackle
Brand Mark Style:  Product Mark
Location:       Lawrence, Kansas

Yager's Flies represents the stereotypical small business. Prior to retaining our corporate identity services, they produced all of their sales material in-house and had a logo that "a buddy threw together". They seemed fairly satisfied at the time of our meeting, convinced that a professional image didn't matter...after all no one else in the industry puts that much emphasis on it. Precisely! What an opportunity to stand out as an innovator. We created a stylistic and modern looking "fly" brand mark (logo) and began implementing it in a consistent manner. We have achieved the goals that we hoped for: increasing sales significantly and positioning Yager's Flies as a leader in their industry.