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What Makes a Powerful Logo?

There are some purchases that we make in life that requires much thought, planning and even money to make sure that you get just the right one. There has never been a happily married man to purchase an engagement ring where he walks into the jewelry store and says "let's make this quick and I want to spend as little money as possible". That is because he knows that ring will last for a lifetime and symbolize his love for that special woman. Therefore the wise man will give the proper attention the event deserves.

Selecting the right logo...and equally important, choosing the right Logo Designer to create that logo, is very similar to choosing he right engagement ring. You should have it for a long while and it will symbolize the essence of your company. What is that logo going to say about you? Amateur or Professional? Clean or Messy? Quality Minded or Lackadaisical? Focused or Absent-Minded?

Though not politically correct, as humans we tend to draw very quick and lasting conclusions about others after unconsciously evaluating very limited and very superficial stimuli. We make those same kinds of rash judgements in business as well. We draw quick conclusions about a business and how we perceive they will serve our needs based upon the way they present themselves to the market.

Make it BOLD!

Many times a logo will be surrounded by many other elements that can blur one’s focus on a single object. For instance, on any single page of a newspaper, there are many stories, ads, photos, etc. A great logo will be able to stand out in a crowd.

Boldness is often acheived by the use of strong shapes contrasting in the use of positive and negative space. Many logos try to use artistic line drawings and minute details to achieve their goals. If your art requires great detail it probably won't be a Bold Logo.

To Learn More About the Importance of a BOLD Logo - Check Out This Video!


One of the most common mistakes of a logo is that people try to make it say everything that they can in one little image. A logo should not attempt to describe everything that you do. It is intended to simply capture the essence of who a company is. Note, we said make it simplistic not simple! There is a difference. For instance, there is a popular tax preparation company that has a green square as its logo. That's simple. A simplistic logo may have a limited number of shapes or components but they are stratigicaly arranged to create a more complex concept.

To Learn More About the Importance of a SIMPLISTIC Logo - Check Out This Video!


One of the most common mistakes of a logo is that people try to make it say everything that they can in one little image. A logo should not attempt to describe everything that you do. It is intended to simply capture a glimpse of who a company is.

To Learn More About the Importance of a CREATIVE Logo - Check Out This Video!

Universal in Application

A great logo is as effective on the side of a pencil as it is on a billboard. Many logos simply cannot be used in a small application. Not only that, it must be reproducible in every imaginable format from screen printing, embroidery, recess cutting, embossing, to signage.

Effective in Black & White

Many companies require a single color application at some point in its life cycle. Whether it’s a phone book or newspaper ad, a logo should be just as effective in a single color as it is in full color.